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About Me

Hello World!

abdelhalim pic

👋 Abdelhaim EL OUARDY, 24 years old

Software engineering student passionate about web development and DevOps. Skilled in building efficient, user-friendly web applications. Thrives in collaborative environments and committed to continuous learning. Seeking opportunities to apply my technical skills and fresh perspectives in a dynamic tech company. Ready to contribute to innovative projects and grow alongside industry professionals.

Techno et languages

frontend icon


  • React
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • HTML/CSS/Bootstrap
frontend icon


  • Python/Django
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL/MySQL
  • MongoDB
frontend icon


  • C/C++
  • Docker
  • Nginx
  • Git/Github

1337 - Future Is Loading...

Welcome to my comprehensive portfolio showcasing my journey at 1337 school in Tetouan, Morocco. This document provides an in-depth look at my 2 years experience from 2022 to 2024, highlighting the projects I've completed, the grades I've earned, and the code I've written.

Remember, in the spirit of 1337's values: stay focused, work hard, and let your own achievements speak for themselves. No shortcuts allowed!



4 students are collaborating on their first web development project at 1337, aiming to create an online multiplayer Pong game with integrated chat features. This project is designed to showcase both front-end and back-end skills, combining real-time multiplayer gaming with a comprehensive social networking platform.

HTML CSS Vanilla JavaScript Django PostgreSQL Docker Redis Nginx Websocket RESTful API OAuth JWT



In the Webserv project, we delve into the fundamentals of web servers by building one from scratch using C++. This project helps us understand how web servers handle requests and manage client connections.

C++ Network Web Server HTTP
ft_irc project
ft_irc project



In the Inception project, we set up a complete web development environment using Docker. This project teaches us about system administration and containerization.

Docker System Administration

Cpp modules


In the C++ Modules project, we dive deep into C++ programming through a series of modules, each focusing on different aspects of the language, this project helps us understand the intricacies of C++ and its various features.

ft_irc project
ft_irc project

Net practice


In the Net Practice project, we learn the fundamentals of networking and system administration through practical exercises. The project involves configuring small-scale networks to solve various networking problems.




For the 42 Cub3D project, we dive into the fundamentals of rendering 3D graphics using raycasting technology. This project is particularly exciting because it is our first experience in creating a 3D game, reminiscent of classic titles like Wolfenstein 3D.

C RayCasting
ft_irc project



In the Philosophers project at 42, we dive into the famous Dining Philosophers problem, which is a classic example used to teach concurrency in computer science. This project is designed to introduce us to the basics of process threading, mutexes, and semaphores, helping us understand synchronization issues and techniques for managing shared resources effectively.

C RayCasting



As part of the 42 curriculum, we dive into creating our own Unix shell, aptly named Minishell. This project is a significant learning experience that deepens our understanding of how command-line interfaces and operating systems interact.

C Unix Shell
ft_irc project
ft_irc project



The project involved building a 2D game using the MiniLibX library. I had to create a simple maze where the player controls a character, collects items, and avoids obstacles.




A real brain teaser! The goal was to sort a stack of integers using the fewest number of operations possible. I had to implement sorting algorithms and figure out the most efficient way to manipulate the stack.

C Algorithms
ft_irc project
ft_irc project



The objective was to create a simple chat application that uses signal handling in Unix. I implemented a client and server that communicate using signals to send and receive messages.

C Unix Signals



I had to install and configure various services like SSH, a web server, and a database server, all while ensuring the system was secure. It was a deep dive into system administration, from managing user permissions to hardening the server against potential attacks.

System administration
ft_irc project
ft_irc project



A great way to dive into custom implementation of standard library functions! The project required me to build my own version of the printf function, which is used for formatted output in C.

C Variadic Functions



An introduction to library creation in C! For this project, I built my own version of the standard C library functions, including utilities for string manipulation, memory management, and more.

ft_irc project

My Projects

Here are some of the projects I've worked on recently. Each project showcases my skills in web development, software engineering, and more. Feel free to explore and learn more about my work!


A full-stack Netflix clone using the MERN stack with a responsive UI designed with Tailwind CSS. Implemented user authentication with JWT, enabling features such as movie and TV show browsing, actor searches, and trailer viewing. The application supports search history tracking and suggests similar content.

Html Css Tailwind NodeJS Express React MongoDB
E-commerce project
E-commerce project

Ecommerce Store

Online shopping platform designed for users to browse and purchase products from various categories. The project includes features like user authentication, product search, and shopping cart functionality.

NodeJS Html Css MongoDB

Employee Management System

A full-stack application for managing employee data, including features like employee registration, search, editing, and deletion. The project is designed to help businesses streamline their HR processes.

C# .NET Angular TypeScript RESTful API
Employee Management Sys project
Memory Game project

Memory Game

A simple memory game designed to test the player's memory and cognitive skills. The game involves flipping cards to find matching pairs within a set time limit.

JavaScript Html Css